The Fire That Never Dies; To the artist who refuse to fade in the face of Artificial Intelligence

The Fire That Never Dies; To the artist who refuse to fade in the face of Artificial Intelligence

I Know What is Being Predicted About Art in 2025.  

There will always be some poor bastard who says the fight is over before it has even begun. That the great paintings have already been painted, and there is nothing new to be seen. That the artist’s hands have been replaced, and the purpose has been drained from creation itself.

These morons whisper it like a funeral hymn, like the fading echo of a civilization crumbling under its own hubris. They sit in the shadows and tell themselves that there is nothing left to be done, that they were born too late, that the future is in the hands of machines, algorithms, likes and follows.

But artists are not made of such weakness.

We are cut from something older, something deeper, something that does not wither when the winds of change blow cold. We do not bend to the times; we bend the times to our vision.

The fools will tell you that art is dead. That painting is a relic. That originality has been wrung dry. That the soul of creation is a thing of the past. But listen closely.

Do not mistake a loser’s articulate weariness for wisdom.

They are the same voices that have echoed through every age, the same voices that told the first men not to waste time carving into stone. The same voices that told the masters of the past that their visions were beyond what the world was ready to see.

And yet, here we stand.

The past was beaten into shape by those who refused to accept the inevitable, by those who refused to kneel before the weight of mediocrity and despair.

And now, it is our turn.

There Is No Room for Cowards

No one is coming to save you.

No golden age of art will arrive on its own. No patron of the past is stepping through the door to anoint the next great painter. No one will place greatness in your hands while you chew your fingernails.

You either fight or you fade into the dust.

This world is not built for those who wait. The doors do not open for those who knock gently. The future does not belong to those who sit in corners lamenting that all the great works have already been made.

If you want to create, then create. If you want to make something impossible, then go do it.

There is no expiration date on the human soul. No machine, no technology, no lifeless process will replace human hands manifesting a vision seen in the mind’s eye. You are the raw and untamed vision breathing life into something no one else could see.

The artist does not retire. The artist does not yield. The artist fights until the last breath with a brush strapped his arm. We create until the fire that has burned our entire life consumes us whole.

If you are waiting for permission, you have already lost.

If you are looking for an easy path, then sit behind a desk and let the losers tell you what to do.

The only way forward for an artist is to take the world as it is and carve your name into it so deep that time itself cannot erase it.

They will say the battle is already over.

Let them.

Pick up your brush. Pick up your tools. Pick up your vision and forge the future with it.

Because history does not remember the ones who gave up.

It remembers the ones who refused to be forgotten.

What We Admire in an Artist

We do not admire the ones who played it safe.

We do not remember those who painted for comfort, who created only what was expected, who sought the approval of small minds.

We admire the ones who worked when no one believed in them. The ones who faced ridicule, who suffered rejection, who were told their vision was absurd, impossible, unwanted—and did it anyway.

Do you think it was easier for the masters? Do you believe any of the greats were met with open arms? A world eager to see their work?

Have you lost all sense of history?

Have you forgotten that every masterpiece has been mocked? That every genius was considered a fool? That every great movement in art began as an act of rebellion?

You think it is different now? Art has always been difficult. The world has never made space for artists. The world has always demanded that creators justify their existence, that they prove their worth, that they suffer for their vision.

And yet, art persists.

Despite war, despite persecution, despite exile, despite poverty, despite every force that has ever tried to silence creativity—the artist persists.

That is what we admire.

Not the ease of creation, but the defiance. Not the approval of the masses, but the willingness to pursue excellence in the face of absurdity. The audacity to create when the world tells you there is nothing left to create.

The ones who shape the future are not the ones who surrender.

They are the ones who pick up the brush and march into the absurd.

Art Is a Fight Against All Odds

Art has never been a guarantee; it has always been a privilege. A brutal, relentless Darwinian fight against the forces that try to drown it out. Against the blind masses who refuse to see. Against the jealous cynics who call creation a waste of time. Against a world that swallows the weak and erase the ones who do not persist.

This is not a profession for those who seek fairness. The world owes art nothing, and yet, art keeps inspiring.

Because the artist is a survivor.

Because true creation is an act of war against time itself.

Because those who refuse to create will be forgotten, and those who refuse to surrender will shape the future.

“No Bastard Ever Won a War by Dying for His Country”

You don’t win by suffering in silence. You don’t win by fading into obscurity, waiting for someone else to recognize your worth. You don’t win by shutting down.

You win by making your art so undeniable, so visceral, so absolutely real that the world has no choice but to reckon with it.

You win by creating louder than the voices that tell you to stop.

You win by outlasting the critics, the gatekeepers, the doubters, the machines, and the men who believe art is nothing more than decoration.

You win by refusing to vanish.

Art is an elective study. You win by simply choosing to participate.

Make something you silly fucks. Make it bold. Make it dangerous. Make it loud.

Art is a conversation spoken over large expanses of time, and you have a voice.


14 Daily Action Items for Artists to Help Stay Focused and Inspired

  1. Create Every Day – No waiting for inspiration. Just make something. Celebrate risk taking and unstructured growth.

  2. Set a Timer – Work for 30–60 minutes without thinking. Waste a piece of paper and some of your materials without fear.

  3. Move Your Body – Walk, stretch, lift—keep your energy flowing. Physicality and posture have a large role in confidence.

  4. Consume Great Art – Look at something that ignites you. Find beauty in the things around you without asking for an idea.

  5. Write It Down – Keep a journal for ideas, breakthroughs, and struggles. Self-reflection is a way to take responsibility of your mind.

  6. Set One Achievable Goal – Progress builds momentum. Small wins help build personally accountability.

  7. Limit Social Media – Stop comparing. Focus on your work. Comparison is the thief of joy. Focus on your own journey.

  8. Engage with Reality – Observe, listen, and absorb the world around you. Surround yourself with enriching non art related influences.

  9. Destroy Perfectionism – It will never be perfect. Finish and move on. Honesty applies to art, be truthful with what you create.

  10. Learn Something New – A technique, a medium, a fresh perspective. Humility is birthed from constantly learning.

  11. Touch Your Work – Hold it, feel its physical presence. There is clarity in direct engagement with your work.

  12. Remember Why You Started – Reconnect with your purpose. Art requires deep meaning, not quick gratification.

  13. Plan Tomorrow Today – Leave a note, so you start with direction. This helps you put the work down and recharge for the next day.

  14. Refuse to Quit – Most days are hard. Push through. Suffering is happiness. You physically feel and know you are alive.


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